
: Orgonite
It is an energy product
which utilizes the electromagnetic emission
from electrical devices
and generates from them negative ions that are healthy for the body
Then man was created to live for the plants and the environment
...a list of health benefits

: the benefits
attracts positive energy
Attracts happiness and peace
uplifting mood
Strengthens the chakras
Pushes away negative energy and spirits
Strengthens the connection between the cells in the body and helps protect against cancer
Improvement of sleep quality
Improves the ability of the third eye
Enhances the sixth sense
Promotes balance and peace
Stimulates intuition
improves the will
Promotes joy
stimulation of the pituitary gland
Gives clarity to the mind and clears confusion
Strengthens the connection between body, mind, spirit and soul
Stimulates growth at all levels
response time increases
Attitude and behavior change
Strengthens the connection to the heart
Improves the quality of meditation
Stimulates the memory
Gives mental stability
Improves self-confidence
Balances the emotional spectrum
strengthens the imagination
Encourages hormonal balance
improves concentration
Encourages a positive attitude
Purifies the air
Increases the body's healing ability
: The idea behind negative ion therapy is pretty basic
!!..Positive ions in the air make us feel bad, and negative ions in the air make us feel good
..we are often in an environment of harmful positive ions and naturally it is difficult for us to achieve an environment of healthy negative ions
Negative ions - positive reality

!!'s good that there is a place where you can get negative ions
Many "negative ionization" researchers have argued that exposure to negative ions can have positive effects. Part of this is due to the positive chemical reactions negative ions have with body tissues and DNA

!!...there is nothing negative or unhealthy about negative ions because just like a battery - the body needs a lot of them
Without going into the theory of electronics and electrical research, let's assume that most of us know the signs of the - and + found in every battery
and are actually necessary to transfer a full electric charge. The same (–) is transferred through the same negative ions
But in the case of the human body, unlike the battery / the various electrical products - in order to provide the body with energy, the body only needs the negative ions, while the positive ions are actually harmful to it, the highest concentrations of negative ions are found in natural and clean air
Ions are invisible charged particles in the air - molecules or atoms, which carry an electric charge. Some particles are positively charged and some are negatively charged. Simply put, positive ions are molecules that have lost one or more electrons while negative ions are actually oxygen atoms with extra charged electrons. Negative ions are abundant in nature, especially around waterfalls, in the ocean, on the beach, and are also often found in mountains and forests.
Ceramic balls and minerals that create negative ions in a natural process used in a variety of devices such as shower heads, Tashiri
water and alkaline water jugs
: the known benefits of negative ions
They neutralize free radicals *
They renew the metabolism in the cells *
They improve the function of the immune system *
they purify the blood *
They balance the autonomic nervous system *
They increase the flow of oxygen in the blood*
They promote deep sleep and healthy digestion*
The most important advantage of negative ions in nature is that they clean the air of allergens such as pollen, mold spores, bacteria and viruses. Besides, they also clean the air of dust, pet dander and cigarette smoke
Negative ions perform this function by attaching themselves to particles with a large amount of positive charge and negatively charging those particles. As a result these viruses, bacteria and pollen spores become too heavy to stay in the air and are thus prevented from entering your respiratory passage where they can make you sick

"Fibonacci sequence " turns out to be a key to understanding how nature shapes itself


"Fibonacci sequence " turns out to be a key to understanding how nature shapes itself
: He is part of the same music everywhere of the 10 sefirot of the Kabbalah that builds harmony
!! atoms, molecules, crystals, oysters, suns and galaxies and makes the universe sing
Guy Marchi
"You yourself are the eternal energy that appears as this universe. You did not come into this world, you left it"
Alan Watts
Studying the details of the orgonite, one can understand that the product corresponds perfectly to many mathematical principles and at the same time to many sacred geometric shapes
in orgoniteA sequence of mathematical calculations are adapted in its creation: pi, fibonacci, exponent and more and at the same time the structure of: the seed of life, the flower of life, the ten spheres, metatahedron, the Star of David and other shapes are masterfully embedded in them
Many sacred geometries
?!?!?! A product that fits so many details as wellmathematicaland alsogeometers
!!..There is no doubt that the product contains the secrets of the universe
life energy *
Negative ion therapy *
Negative ions - positive reality
Nature releases tens of millions of negative ions per square centimeter per hour
Orgonite releases hundreds and thousands of millions of negative ions per square centimeter per hour
!!..something that turns orgonite into a powerful health treatment tool that provides multi-system treatment

!!..Orgonite creates a stronger connection than your natural state to the energy source of the Creator.. Light has no end
And therefore it is considered candy for the soul
!!...Orgonite strengthens the connection between body, mind, mind, spirit and soul
!!...OrgoniteAffects the electrical activity in the brain for the better

: the electric brain
Our brain is full of neurons, individual nerve cells connected to each other by dendrites and axons
Every time we think, move, feel or remember something, our neurons fire. This work is performed by small electrical signals that contract from neuron to neuron at a speed of 250 km/h, the signals are created by differences in the electrical potential carried by ions on the membrane of each
A neuron in the brain
OrgonitePositively affects body tissues and DNA by ionizing negative ions that create health benefits.. and positively affect all the electrical activity of the body.. Orgonite reduces electrical and electromagnetic pollution from the body and preserves the cell and the surrounding cell, the inter-cellular connection, and the inter-body connection, the mind The mind and soul.. even strengthens and affects the colors of the aura
Pie is integrated in the Fibonacci sequence

Fibonacci sequence

Everything has sacred geometry
The Fibonacci sequence is used to create everything from cells to planets and all sacred geometry reveals nine as the root
: Numbers
: shapes
45° (triangle)
90° (square)
360°. (circle)
180°. (radius)
108° (Pentagon)
540° (dodecahedron)
720° (Tradron)
1080° (octagon)
1440° (octopus)
2160° (hexagon)
3600° (icosahedron)
These numbers and shapes create our physical reality
The reason everything has a numerical root of nine is because you are the one
You are the one who makes it whole
You are the 1% that completes the 99%
You are the 1% that is missing from Atomi
You are the 1% required for life to be
A cube is not a cube until you look at it
Without observation a cube is just a concept
Once you believe, you create; Once you create, you experience
Without you observing, nothing happens to you
Life is a whole book on the shelf the words were written a long time ago, but until you open this book, it does not exist for you. You bring it to life
!! the numbers life needs you
Likewise, the body, mind, spirit and soul also need orgonite
The flower of life and matching numbers to time

The symbol of the flower of life and the process of beginning life

In modern life we are surrounded by and come into contact with electrical and electronic products, cellular antennas, satellites and radio communications that emit positive ions that are harmful to the body and cause a variety of health problems that are difficult to pinpoint the source of the problem and what causes it, that's exactly why the studio and store was opened the Internet to allow customers to obtain negative ions and life energy that will bring them back into balance with nature

Orgonite Energy Products is a home business from 2022 for products that have a positive scientific effect on man, the products are designed to ensure and restore the energy balance to the earth by making available products that emit life energy in the entire environment in which we live

Symptoms of sensitivity to radiation that has become common in the 21st century with the proliferation of technologies
The electromagnetic aura with orgonite and without orgonite

: Benefits of Oregon products in detail
The organ is designed to be in the personal living space
Where they work, sleep, and hang out in general
Its role is to maintain clean and healthy energy while using energy
Your natural and its balance
The maximum effect is when you are within a meter of the product
But the general effect is up to about 7.5 meters
or more depending on the size of the product
Sometimes the product needs to be recharged
in the sun for a few minutes to maintain the quality
It strengthens it and renews the energies
The product improves the quality of sleep
It is recommended to put one next to the bed
Helps with restful sleep
No nightmares
And with clear and good dreams
Improves the ability to remember dreams easily
Makes traveling easier
Astral and spiritual experiences
And also improves meditation and helps to connect easily
Contributes to a quiet atmosphere and a relaxed environment
If the workplace is noisy and stressful
It is recommended to put an Oregon product in order to create a harmonious environment and turn negative energy into positive
Cleanses stress and nerves also subconsciously
This enables peaceful and relaxed relations between the employees
The product also helps clarity of thoughts and concentration
Water can be recharged using the product
And thus give them good and healthy energy for body and mind
This happens when you put a glass of water on the product for a few minutes
The product itself and the water added to it can also have a positive effect on plants
The product also provides protection against electromagnetic fields
It is recommended to put near the TV or computer
In order to neutralize the electromagnetic energies and radiation that the devices emit
It is also recommended to bury large products in the ground
More near cellular and electrical antennas to minimize the radiation they emit
The product transforms the energy
The negative and the radiation into positive life energy and releases the new energy into the earth
improves the feeling
the generality of every living creature that is near him
Helps the immune system and strengthens it
Also improves blood circulation
The product increases physical strength and slows down the aging process
It relieves and minimizes pain, and shortens illness times
Calms and relieves stress, minimizes and prevents anxiety attacks
The product recharges the body
Energetic while we sleep and prevents fatigue during the day
Facilitates the end of life process in the case of a dying person
The larger products clean air pollution
Makes the air feel fresher all the time
It is most noticeable in a closed and small space
Improves memory and helps self-confidence
Helps prevent accidents and protects against them through inner feeling
Gives insights to the person who is near him for a continuous time
Improves that person's sixth sense and helps imagination and knowledge
There is no end to the product's possibilities in addition to a person's will and good intentions in prayer and meditation
Contributes to the growth of awareness of a person who is near the product
The aura expands and the person enjoys a sense of enlightenment and connection to the source
Clears supernatural activity and haunting spirits near the product
Gives a sense of concentration, grounds the emotions
Fighting substance dependence and addictions
And also in compulsive behaviors
It was also found that the product alleviates psychotic cases and helps a person to relax and think clearly and positively
The product encourages feelings of happiness and love
Peace and relaxation
It also energetically stimulates the third eye and thus improves intuition and creativity
. Increases the ability to heal during treatment with a healer (energy therapist)
The orgone product also serves as a protector against supernatural attacks all the time
Who is Dr. Wilhelm Reich? Dr. Wilhelm Reich –
was a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, Austrian Jewish writer, who was one of Sigmund Freud's students in Vienna, born in 1897. 25 years old -
Qualified as a physician and psychiatrist and served as a research fellow of Dr. Sigmund Freud. 30 years old
- managed Dr. Freud's clinic in Vienna. In the early 1940s, Dr. Reich moved to the USA. In 1939 - Dr. Reich discovered the "Oregon" -
"The energy of life" (which exists freely in the atmosphere, bluish in color. Wraps the earth like a shell). Energy that is everywhere
and penetrates all substances surrounding body cells, attacks bacteria, does not allow the cell to be damaged. He realized that in every organism there is an element of
Energy whose absence represents the organism's illness or death. In the fall of 1940 - Dr. Reich realized that if energy is essential for the organism, it is for him
Find a method that will accumulate and concentrate it. He built "oregone batteries" made of layers of ferrous material and organic material and called it an "accumulator" -
A device for absorbing and transferring "Orgon" energy. In 1941 - Dr. Reich leased the "orgon batteries" to cancer patients. Dr. Reich discovered that
Cancer is not the disease itself but only a symptom. He discovered that cancer is a systemic disorder
but a disorder that originates from mental injury and energy blockage in 1947 -
Dr. Reich immigrated to the United States.
After a series of articles published in the New Republic and Harper's, the American Food and Drug Administration began
(the FDA) in an investigation about his claims about the FDA organization
Protested for the first time against the marketing of devices - "Oregon" to the general public. In 1954 - a warrant was issued against Dr. Wilhelm Reich for distributing "Oregon" products. in 1956 –
Dr. Reich was summoned to court and convicted. In 1957 - while in prison, Reich died of a heart attack. Today Dr. Reich's bioenergetic method is established
(psychoanalytical/scientific) in universities in the USA and EuropeGod
פיבונאצי היא גיאומטריה שכל עולמנו מעוצב מבסיסה בתמונה ניתן לראות את סמל הרפואה והתאמה למבנה הדי אן איי ולצ'אקרות פרח החיים,מטטרון,מגן דוד,השדה האנרגטי של בני אדם ועצים,תהליך תחילת החיים מעוצב כפרח החיים ..הכל מחובר ומעוצב מגיאומטריית פיבונאצ'י

לאן שאתם לא מסתכלים אתם רואים את הסמלים של הבורא ואנרגיית החיים,גיאומטריה מקודשת,פיבונאצ'י שמעורב בכל תהליך החיים,אפילו שמביטים על היד ניתן להבחין בסמל הפיבונאצ'י,פרחים צמחים,חיות,אנשים,גלקסיות,צדפות ,מנדלות..הכל מעוצב לפי היצירה של פיבונאצ'י היא בעצם סוד החיים של עשר הספירות שגורם ליקום לשיר סאונד שקט..זהו הסאונד של שירת הבריאה,שירת היצירה וכל סמלים של הבריאה והגיאומטריה המקודשת שלה מוטמעים באורגונייט בצורה מופתית גם חישובים מתמטיים וגם צורות גיאומטריות

:בסיס סמלי החיים מורכבים מ 6 סמלים
זרע החיים *
ביצי החיים *
עץ החיים *
מטטרון *
פרח החיים *
פרי החיים *
כל הסמלים תואמים לאורגונייט שהוא כלי טיפולי מעצים את אנרגיית החיים שבטבע פי 30 עד 50

כפי שראיתם עשר הספירות של הקבלה מוטמע בתוך פרח החיים והוא מייצג כל דבר שאתם מסתכלים עליו אי אפשר להתחמק מסימנים אלה לעולם שימו לב עץ החיים במבנה של די אן איי האנושי,והתאמה למבנה גוף האדם

מבנה הפנים הוא מבנה עשר הספירות כאשר את הכתר מייצג האנרגיה של הבורא מעל הראש ,את העין השלישית בפרצוף מייצג הדעת, חוכמה ובינה מייצג את אונות המוח,העיניים מייצגות את החסד וגבורה, האף את התפארת,נצח והוד מייצג את הלחיים ,יסוד מול הפה ומלכות מייצג את הסנטר

הספירה 8 על הצד היא הייצוג של הנשמה וסודות היקום מתוך המספרים היא קשורה לטון הבריא של 432 הרץ שהם הטונים הטבעיים שהיו למוסיקה והם גם הטונים הטבעיים של הנשמה..לאן שלא מסתכלים גם
הסימן הזה חוזר על עצמו שוב ושוב
3-6-9 "אם רק הייתם יודעים את פארם של 3, 6 ו-9, אז היה לכם מפתח ליקום. ” – ניקולה טסלה

הצליל האלוהי הוא הגורם לכל ביטוי
מי שמכיר את תעלומת הצליל, יודע את מסתורין היקום
אורגונייט מנגן ושר את יצירת הבריאה על פי אותו צליל טכני מחוזק פי 30 עד 50 ועל כן יוצר חיבור חזק יותר עם הבורא ואור אין סוף לאצטרובל במוח (תלמוס)

לכל הדברים יש תדר ורטט." - ניקולה טסלה"